
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What I Wore Wednesday #3

My sister challenged me along with my three other sisters to take on What I Wore Wednesday. We are hoping that it helps us become less likely to fall into the yoga pant trap (like we all would love) and more likely to look like the girls who have it all together that you see on Pinterest.

This week I started on my Spring cleaning, so with that I haven't been up to picturing my outfits since the whole point of this was to NOT wear yoga pants every day. Whoops :) I did manage to look somewhat acceptable for a couple of days so that is what we have :).

It was a full on blizzard here yesterday for the first half of the day so until about 1 p.m I was in sweatpants. Then I decided that I realllllly needed a fountain Diet Pepsi so I decided to put some real pants on to go grab one.

Sweatshirt - PacSun
Jeggings - Bohme

The day I got ready… We went and ran some errands and then ended up eating lunch at Ingram's. Scarlett ended up eating like 20 fries lol.

Sweater - Bohme
Jeggings - Bohme
Shoes - not shown but I wore black pointy toed flats

1 comment:

  1. That sweater 😍!!! Loooooove it! im wearing some nautical items in the next couple weeks as well. I dunno why but I really love nautical stuff!


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