
Friday, March 13, 2015

Birthday Month

March is our families birthday month! Mine is on the 2nd, Scarlett's is the 7th, and Rob's is the 11th. I have literally ate cake about every single night for the last two weeks and it has been the best thing ever! I love birthdays so much so this month is always my favorite. 

To start off the birthday month we went to Utah to do some shopping and just relax. We went to a fun aquarium, did lots of shopping, eating, and lots of swimming! After coming back we had birthday parties almost every night. We celebrated mine with my family, Scarlett's with my family, Scarlett's and mine with Rob's family, Rob's with his family, and then Rob's with my family on Sunday. It has been crazy but it's been so much fun! Scarlett LOVED her cake(s) and she devoured every one of them! She was spoiled by everyone and had so much fun celebrating.

To say Scarlett enjoyed the cake is an understatement. Well not exactly the cake, she would only eat the frosting and every time she got a part with cake in her mouth she would take it out lol.

After everything got settled down finally and we got back into our normal schedule I started thinking about weening and our nights. Scarlett was still waking up 4 times a night and would only go back to sleep if I fed her. I knew that wasn't normal but I kept telling myself to just wait until she was a year. I DON'T KNOW WHY I WAITED SO LONG!! Three night ago I started to let her cry it out and she only ended up waking up twice the first night. The second night she woke up twice again (I think), and then last night I have no idea because I slept for a strait 9 hours for the first time in over a year and it was magical! Seriously though. You never really know what you are missing until it's gone. Ahhhhh I don't know why I waited this long. She has been doing so great and is usually only up for about 5 minutes or so. She can now put herself to sleep for naps as well. All in all, life is GOOOOOD.

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