
Monday, January 19, 2015

Growing Pains

Scarlett has been growing so much lately and so has her peronality. She has been doing new things everyday that show her little personality and it is so funny!

She just started climbing on top of everything, but now when she gets on top she does a little dance on it. Victory dance!

Whenever she is eating she brings both of her feet up on top of the tray and just reclines while she eats and watches tv. Ah the life.

She has been sleeping much better lately. I started pumping a big bottle for her before she goes to sleep and now she only wakes up about 3 times a night now! PHEW! Night life just got a whole lot better around here!

She never stops moving. She is always on the go and will never sit still for 1 minute unless Mickey Mouse is on or Monsters University.

She goes everywhere in the house and lately her favorite thing to do is go in her room and pull all the diapers out from the trash can... she is weird. Lol.

She won't wear hats or hair bows anymore. :( That poor bald head of hers gets real cold when she is outside because she constantly pulls her hats off!

Speaking of weird, yesterday she was sitting by the door and came over to me and I noticed she had something in her mouth. So after fighting her for 5 minutes I finally get it. Somehow she found a lady bug and put it in her mouth... And then cried when I took it out. Ew. Mom win.

Mini Vanilla wafers have become a favorite. Scarlett will get one, and just stick it in her cheek until it gets moist enough to swallow. Lately she has been storing all kinds of goods in her cheeks.

The only people that she willingly will go to are me, the two grandmas, and sometimes Rob. She is definitely a girls girl and is very afraid of boys… hopefully that will last ;).

AND she has taken some steps by herself!! She does so good walking by herself but then when she realizes that no one is helping her she gets scared and slowly sits down. I think I need to slow this whole walking thing down because she is just growing way too fast :(.

1 comment:

  1. I was not notified of any first steps! Waaaaah! I prefer eating with my legs up too! She is growing into such a toddler already!


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