2014 was definitely the best year yet... besides 2012 :). Rob and I became parents when Scarlett was born on March 7th! Ever since that day we have both changed so much. It made us better people, and it made us even more in love. That's cheesy, but so true.
I never went into detail about my labor and Scarletts birth, so because that was the hugest thing to happen this past year I thought I should. This is going to be long so brace yourself or just don't read lol.
February 28, 2014 was Scarletts original due date. For her 3D ultra sound she was measuring small, so they changed the due date to March 5th. Of course in my head I kept the due date at February 28th... bad idea lol. During my pregnancy I must've had a dozen people come up and talk to me and tell me how they went into labor early, so of course I told myself okay I'm going to go early! Okay so in my head that made me due around Valentines day. Obviously this was a bad idea and around Valentines day I made myself and everyone around me miserable because I kept thinking why isn't she out yet?! But time kept passing along.
We went in for a check up a couple days before my due date (February 28) and I was SO excited! I got ready and thought okay they are going to check me and I'm going to be dilated and they are going to rush me to the hospital and I'm going to have her tonight! So wrong. I wasn't even at a 1. Poor Rob had to sit with me while I sobbed for 1 hour until he took me Five Guys. After that I was as happy as could be. Shout out to Five Guys and Lucy's Pizza for my massive weight gain, next pregnancy you aren't going anywhere near my mouth. Pictures speak a thousand words lol.
So after that the doctor told me to come in about another week and he would check me again (more tears). A week passed by and we went in, got checked, nothing! You'd think after all that "checking" with large male hands it'd start something up? Nope! More tears came and my nice Doctor told me that he would induce me in a couple days! Happy tears were shed. I think I cried more during my pregnancy then I have cried in my entire life. Actually I know.
The day finally arrived to give birth!! Yipee! The doctor said to come into the hospital and they would "induce me." For some reason this sounded very pleasant to me, like I was going to go in and they would give me a drink of something and boom! baby! Obviously I knew nothing about pregnancy and giving birth. This was the most unpleasant thing. I'm not going to let myself go into major detail... or maybe I should to spare myself from wanting a baby soon. Okay I won't but it just wasn't a nice sip of tea is all I'm saying. I felt like I was getting "checked" with a large needle poking my insides numerous times.
The "inducing" started at 6 p.m and I was suppose to be all set and ready to deliver the next morning around 6. About an hour or so after I was induced I started having contractions. This isn't suppose to happen until the next morning but it was possible. After a couple hours of the contractions I had a nurse come in to check where I was at. I was barely a 1. I think they said a 1 was like a cheerio? Okay that's fine I thought, I'm going to have her soon obviously since I'm having contractions. The contractions kept getting stronger and stronger through out the whole night. I felt so bad for rob, luckily we got a big room for the night and he could sleep on a couch, but because I kept having the nurses come in through out the night he didn't get any sleep. I remember watching the contractions on the screen and thinking, "Okay this has got to be it I HAVE to be ready to have her. So i would wait a couple hours until I couldn't bare the pain and have a nurse come in.
I was still at a 1 until about 7 that next morning. Then the 2nd love of my life walked in. The anesthesiologist. Getting that epidural was the best pain ever. After that was done, I was in heaven. My sweet husband, mom, and mother in law just stayed in the room that whole day with me. I really have the best family. I just laid in my bed numb as can be while my husband got me cherry ice. after about 10 hours of that (best husband and family ever) we were ready to roll!! The nurse came in and told Rob to grab onto my leg and we got to pushin! Rob was seriously so awesome through it all. Before we got to the hospital he said he might not even look... ha! He was there the whole time with his eyes glued lol! I literally had to ask him at one point to not look because in another 6 weeks I'd still want him to look at me the same haha. After about an hour of pushing, Scarlett made her way into the world.
Thinking about this moment still gives me goosebumps and makes me cry. This was hands down the best moment of my life. As soon as she came out I looked at Rob, and looked at her and knew this was exactly what we were suppose to be doing. She was so tiny and so perfect. She made everything else disappear. She made me want to be induced a misllion times just so I could have her and have this moment. Anything is worth having that moment. It's so great you can't even describe it. Holding her in my arms was the best/scariest thing. I just thought, how am I going to take care of her? It was the scariest thought to think that we were all she had, we were her everything and she relies on us for everything. But something kicks in after you have a baby and you suddenly can do everything for that baby. It is a miracle! That was hands down the best year yet, and the best day in our lives. I know 2015 will bring us even more and I am so excited to see what all it has in store.