
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Christmas 2015

Christmas morning Rob and I woke up around 7 in the morning, which was a huge surprise to me because I usually can't sleep and am up by 5! Minutes after we woke up we heard Scarlett wake up and I didn't want to miss a thing so I ran to grab my camera to record her cuteness. When she woke up she was crying, but as soon as Rob went in to grab her he said "Do you want to see what Santa brought?", she stood right up and said "Ooooooo! Ya!" I wasn't expecting her to really understand too much of what was going on but to my surprise she was getting it! Maybe it was all of the Christmas movies I forced on her since Halloween ;).

As soon as she got out of her crib we walked into the living room and right when she saw all of her things in the living room she literally just dropped to the floor lol! She laid there for a bit, stared at everything, and then went right to her presents. It was so cute to see how excited she was and how happy she was! I will never forget that cute little grin she had on her face that morning!

I have the video I recorded but I need to find my camera.. ah! So for now I will post the few pictures I took and upload the video later.

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