
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New Stages

Over the New Year we went up to Robs parents cabin and while we were there one night we were all playing games downstairs late in the night when I hear a sweet little voice saying "Mama!" Scarlett was so excited because she had just escaped her crib and opened up her door all by herself. I think she had been working on it for awhile because she looked so proud of herself when she came down the stairs hahaha. It was the cutest and most frightening thing because then I realized we had to put her into a bed.

Scarlett has never been one to love sleep so you can imagine my excitement when this happened. When we came home we made her crib into a toddler bed and it just took about a week for her to really get use to it. We ended up just putting her in her bed at night and for naps and locking the door behind us so she couldn't get out. The first couple of times we did that we would always go check on her and find her lying asleep right in front of her door on the floor. One morning we went in to get her when she woke up because she was crying for some reason and Rob couldn't find her anywhere! So he turned the light on and she came crawling out from under her bed haha! After that night she has been really good about falling asleep in her bed AND waking up in her bed.

Another great story that happened that first week… I put Scarlett down for a nap when I usually do and for about thirty minutes straight she was kicking her door saying "mom" over and over and over again. Finally I decided to call it quits and give in. When I opened her door she stuck her head out and gave me a grin. I turned around to walk away and right when I did I see her sprinting past me butt naked! I haven't laughed so hard in so long! It was one of the funniest things to see, mainly because I was not expecting it at all!

Baby BOY!

A couple of weeks ago we found out that we are having a baby boy! I am so excited to have a girl and a boy, but super nervous because I feel like I have no idea what I am getting myself into with a boy! I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I had Scarlett though… and that ended out alright haha. I am definitely a lot less nervous for this one because I know what to expect and not expect (sleep), while with Scarlett I had no idea why that baby never wanted to sleep!

This pregnancy so far has been a lot different… but similar in some ways as well. My morning sickness lasted A LOT longer through out the whole day and I haven't had any energy at all. With Scarlett I was always up and going through out the whole day, but with this one I usually try to get everything done by the morning so I can nap when Scarlett does. I have been craving Mexican food and Hamburgers.. mmm.

The day we found out we took Scarlett to the ultrasound and she couldn't have been less interested, except for she did seem really concerned as to what they were doing to my stomach and wouldn't take her eyes off of the Doctor.

Christmas 2015

Christmas morning Rob and I woke up around 7 in the morning, which was a huge surprise to me because I usually can't sleep and am up by 5! Minutes after we woke up we heard Scarlett wake up and I didn't want to miss a thing so I ran to grab my camera to record her cuteness. When she woke up she was crying, but as soon as Rob went in to grab her he said "Do you want to see what Santa brought?", she stood right up and said "Ooooooo! Ya!" I wasn't expecting her to really understand too much of what was going on but to my surprise she was getting it! Maybe it was all of the Christmas movies I forced on her since Halloween ;).

As soon as she got out of her crib we walked into the living room and right when she saw all of her things in the living room she literally just dropped to the floor lol! She laid there for a bit, stared at everything, and then went right to her presents. It was so cute to see how excited she was and how happy she was! I will never forget that cute little grin she had on her face that morning!

I have the video I recorded but I need to find my camera.. ah! So for now I will post the few pictures I took and upload the video later.

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving this year was just a typical one for us! We are lucky enough to have both Rob and I'd parents here in town so we always get to see both on holidays! An unfortunate side though is all of my family in Texas we miss. :(

We ate delicious food at my parents house followed by the cutest sledding trip ever! Somehow I knew Scarlett would love being pushed down a huge hill on a sled haha! It was the cutest thing to see her face smiling from ear to ear and hear her screaming "weeeee!" All the way down. She is at such a cute stage right now and it has been so fun to see how she reacts to all the new things she can do this winter now that she is older!

And we are expecting in MAY! Which I was so happy about because I could wear tight clothing and not have to suck in my Thanksgiving day gut :).

Scarlett got really thirsty after sledding so she got a quick drink out of Rugers bowl...

Halloween 2015

I'm SO behind on blogging! I have been so lazy lately and haven't had any extra energy to blog, but I love being able to look back at these memories. So i've finally made myself sit down tonight and catch up on everything!

  This past Halloween was so fun with Scarlett! The first house we went to was my parents and she had no idea what was going on. All she knew is grandma gave her chocolate... which happens every time she goes there, so nothing new lol! We went to about 5 or so houses after that and by the last couple she started to get the hang of it. After she started realizing what was going on you could tell she was getting excited, she just wanted to knock on the door, get the candy, and go… no communication whatsoever haha. Me too Scarlett. When some people wouldn't answer the door she would peep in the windows and say "hello?!!" It was definitely a fun Halloween and now whenever she sees her bucket from Halloween she brings it to me and says "more!" Hahaha.