Weight - 16.8 pounds-26th percentile
Height - 27.5 inches-42nd percentile
Head - 17.5 inches-67th percentile
We went to her appointment this week and as soon as the nurse laid Scarlett down to get measured her little lip started to quiver and her big eyes started to water because she was so sure she was about to get some shots. Thank goodness she didn't have to any this appointment!!
Every time I look at Scarlett lately I am so amazed at how big she looks and how different she is every day. She learns and picks things up so fast! She makes me so happy… even when she doesn't haha. Every day there is something new that she is doing or saying or eating. They seriously eat everything they see? The other week I was feeding her some food and Rob swore he saw something in her mouth. I checked and there wasn't anything so I kept feeding her. Then Rob saw it again. She stuck a candy wrapper in her mouth and just kept it in her cheek the whole time she was eating! That takes some great skill… I can't even keep my gum to the side of my mouth when taking the sacrament at church without getting my bread all over it.
Anyway, here are some of the new things that Scarlett has been doing!
1. She said her first word "mama" about a month and a half ago and that was the only thing she would ever say. I think it was starting to get to Rob… haha. But now she has been saying papa, dada, and a bunch of other things I haven't quite figured out yet.
2. She crawls the real way now and pulls herself up on about anything she can! She walks along everything and I'm just waiting for the day she gives herself a black eye. She bangs her head on about anything she can bang her head on and never makes one peep about it!
3. I've been feeding her different kinds of table foods lately and so far she LOVES blueberries, avocados, and eggs! She did so good with eating everything I would put on her highchair the first couple of days, but now she is more into throwing her food on the floor and just staring at it from a distance. Oh and today she tried to lick it off the floor… mom win.
4. She also loves Diet Coke… thanks to both grandmas ;). Okay just little sips is all don't worry.
5. She has the cutest/cheesiest smile I have ever seen! She scrunches her nose up and smiles as big as she can. It looks like a fake smile almost… maybe it is… haha.
6. She loves to pull on Rob's hair and just yank it as hard as she cans. She thinks it is the funniest thing and so do I! Until she tries pulling on mine.
7. OH! And she has 2 teeth!! Whoooo!! After months and months of drooling they finally popped through!
She really is the happiest baby and always has a huge smile on her face! Happy 9 Months Scarlett!
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